Who We Are
The Juneau Central Labor Council is a community organization elected by workers for workers. As one of the nearly 500 regional councils across the United States, we are determined to ensure that the civic and economic rights of all Americans are protected.
What We Do
Whether its supporting contract fights or the ability to organize, the Juneau Central Labor Council is a voice for fair wages, affordable healthcare, retirement security, and representation at work.
Building a Stronger Community
The Juneau Central Labor Council believes strongly in community investment. Throughout our history we have participated in efforts to sponsor local sports teams, help the hungry, fundraise for the sick, and support fellow workers who've suffered injuries on the job.
“With temperatures below zero and wind speeds above hurricane force in some areas, power outages could be expected during last weekend’s storms. As it turned out, the goodness of compassionate, problem-solving Alaskans could be expected too.” - Marcie Obremski
Creating Political Power
Working families need political leaders who will champion quality jobs, vital public services, and balanced budgets. By endorsing pro-labor candidates, the Labor Council strives to ensure our values are represented at all levels of government.
Labor in Action
In the past our organization has supported everything from minimum wage increases to marine highway funding. We've organized against bills that would eliminate votech options in schools and actively opposed 'right to work laws' which undemocratically threaten worker's ability to bargain.
The Union Difference
On average, union workers’ wages are 11.2% higher than their nonunion counterparts.
96% percent of union workers have employer-provided health insurance, but only 69% of nonunion workers do.
Unions help bring more working people into the middle class. In fact, in states where people don’t have union rights, workers’ incomes are lower.